A critical part of any closed-loop aquaponics system is the sump tank. Because it needs to be the lowest point in the system, it is often placed below ground.
Our last tank was made of reinforced plastic, ordinarily serving as an above ground water capture tank. When placed in the ground it should have worked for years. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case! When water overflows from the tank into the hole surrounding it, the exterior pressure causes the tank to collapse.
With the financial assistance of a grant generously provided by Farm to Table, we purchased a 600 gallon stainless steel tank to replace the old one.
It took the whole crew (pun intended) to disconnect all the plumbing, remove the old one, digout a lot of dirt, build a frame to hold back the dirt, and drop the new shiny tank into its new home. Faculty from SFCC even came to lend a hand - testament to the strong aquaponics community we have in Santa Fe.
It took four days to replace, and now it is running perfectly, hopefully to survive for the life of the farm! The old tank is now gathering rainwater -- above ground -- in Los Alamos at the home of one of our farm crew!